Find The Cockatoo that Become “Actors” from Indonesian Folk Songs at Bali Safari Park

Find The Cockatoo that Become "Actors" from Indonesian Folk Songs at Bali Safari Park 1

Cockatoo is a bird that is quite sentimental for many Indonesians, especially children. Why not? Cockatoo became the main actor in the poem of a children’s song. The song is usually sung by small children while in kindergarten or elementary school.

In fact, the song becomes a lullaby for children. This song is indeed familiar to parents who are then taught to their children. The main actor of the song is indeed Kakatua, a bird that is also in Bali Safari Park.

Cockatoos easily receive the sounds they hear from the surrounding environment, these cockatoo are indeed intelligent birds. They are very responsive to sound and able to imitate human melodies and sayings. It has even been observed that they sometimes synchronize their body movements with the sounds around them.

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Interesting Facts About Cockatoo

Cockatoo has many species depending on where they are. However, there are the most well-known and easy-to-remember cockatoo, namely Sulfur Crested Cockatoo or commonly known as Cacatua Galleria. The distinctive feature of this species is a bright yellow crest in the head. Kakatua does have a decorative and beautiful headdress.

Apart from beautifying the appearance, the crest of the cockatoo also has an important function, which is used to communicate. Crested cockatoos are sometimes lowered or raised. When the crested cockatoo was lowered he was in a calm state.

Cockatoo does have a relaxed appearance and attitude. This bird is easy to adapt to the environment, he quickly feels familiar with various things that occur in the surrounding environment. The condition is different when the cockatoo raises the crest. That means the parrot wants to show its physical prowess. Cockatoo wants to maintain its territory or as a sign to find a mate.

However, when the crest is lifted it can also mean feeling surprised, scared, or curious. Each sign cannot be distinguished, so you must be careful when you want to approach. When the crested forelock was lifted it could mean that the parrot was feeling scared, it didn’t want to be disturbed, but that also meant that the parrot was curious and quietly watching.

Cockatoo has a diet with a mixture of fruits, nuts and seeds, as well as roots. Cockatoo likes to bite the leaves or branches of a tree when not enjoying food. You who want to see Cockatoo can visit Bali Safari Park. not only the cockatoo, you can see a variety of endangered species and see various animal shows. You can see the Elephant Show and the Big Cat Show.

Other Animals

Find The Cockatoo that Become "Actors" from Indonesian Folk Songs at Bali Safari Park 2

All performances presented by Bali Safari Park aim to provide education for the audience. In performing these animals, animals are not told to roll or other types of attractions. To be sure, these animals play a role with humans to play a role in the story. Every animal show has a different theme.

For example, in the Elephant Show section there is a theme of the conflict that occurred in Sumatra between humans and elephants. As a result of the conflict the elephant’s natural habitat was threatened. Therefore, from the show, they want to convey the message that the importance of living harmoniously between animals and humans.

Exciting Journey in Bali Safari Park

Bali Safari & Marine Park not only presents animal shows, but also presents spectacular cultural performances. The show featured more than one hundred and fifty dancers and musicians. A show that combines modern and traditional theater art. The show is named Bali Agung, a magical theater show that highlights Balinese culture and traditions. The show tells the tragic but heroic legend of King Sri Jaya Pangus with his wife Kang ChingWie. The show took place at Bali Theater in Bali Safari Park.

Another tour package in Bali Safari Park is Night Safari. Those of you who like to break are unusual and like the atmosphere of the night, then this package is perfect for you to choose. You can see the atmosphere of Bali Safari Park at night. You will feel a tense experience and full of excitement. When you choose Safari night, you can also see the Rhythm of Fire Show. This Night Safari package can be enjoyed after six in the afternoon.

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